Chapter 1

In a small village, white bridge, where people are very Conservative, where education is not being vast. Education is just for few. Mostly people were doing farming, agriculture, something like that.

It was not a modern era but a little early era where modernism was not developed yet.

In white bridge live a family of 5 members. Mr. Smith, his wife and three children. He has 2 sons and one daughter. He married his daughter to a well-known farmer in a nearby village. Mr. smith owns a factory of clothes. Where they are making different and beautiful clothes. They were full of unique designs. Their clothes are famous in their village as well as their neighbor villages.

They were getting enough income to survive and live a luxury life. The whole village envy them for their wealth. They lived on their mercy. Mr. Smith is very supportive and humble, but when it comes to his family respect, he will never tolerate a single bad word.

Mr. Smith daughter recently delivered a baby and all are happy for her. Mr Smith two sons, one is Alexander and other is Aiden, both are opposite.

Aiden is a sweetheart, and Alexander is short-tempered and possessive for his things.

Aiden can share his things with Alexander, but Alexander can't. He gets what he wants.

Aiden is an engineer in a nearby city. He is now getting married to a simple and beautiful girl from a nearby village as well. She is also a not broad-minded girl, but she is not that much Conservative. She has 2 brothers who are also married and happy in their life. They have many kids. She is Avelino.

Her beauty is famous in her village. All her villagers wanted her to be their daughter-in-law. But her father wants someone who is well settled, and they found this quality in Aiden.

White bridge is decorated like a bride. The head of the village is Mr. Smith, who is wealthy. Alexander has taken the responsibility of decoration and everything. He has good choice. He is a modern man who knows what to do and how to do…

Furthermore, he is happy for his brother, but he hasn't seen his sister-in-law yet. Marriage happens, it was grand, everyone was happy. They enjoyed a lot. There were many delicious food and many more things which were not seen by the villagers before. As they don't have enough money to enjoy new things in life.

Alexander returned to the city for his further studies. He is 2 years younger than Aiden, but 2 years older than his sister-in-law. Alexander is doing electrical engineering. He wanted to see his village more modern and full of feasibility.

Years passed, and now Alexander returned to his village to make it modern. He starts a power plant. Marriage life was good for Avelino and Aiden, but now Mrs. Smith is demanding for grandkids. They tried a lot but nothing happens.

As they were Conservative people, they thought Avelino can't be a mother, so Mrs. Smith suggested taking her to a doctor for further tests.

When they went, doctor checked Avelino and tell me that she is good to be a mother. The doctor recommended that Aiden should take tests. He was hesitant first because it will affect his male ego, but for his wife sake he agreed.

After some days, results came, and they stated that Aiden can't be a father. They were devastated to hear this news. Specifically, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, they wanted their grandkids at this age. Avelino was the most beautiful and kind-hearted girl. She is the best daughter-in-law anyone could ask for.

Aiden is broken by the news, and Avelino is crying for her fate. It's been 3 years of their marriage. The whole house is gloomy.

Whenever this thing happens in anyone house, girl would be taken by her family and remarry her to someone else.

Now Mr. Smiths family was worried about this thing. They do not wish to lose Avelino at any cost.

Everyone was sad and at last Mr. Smith took a decision which is not good, but he has to.

He called his wife and told her about his decision. She was shocked and denied instantly, “no, this is impossible. Avelino will never agree to this. Moreover, Aiden will be shattered to hear this. "

Mr. Smith : just try to understand this is best for now.

Mrs. Smith : no, no, what about Avelino, who trusted us?

Mr. Smith : this is also good for her. Do you like it when everyone calls her sterile?

After countless arguments, she said yes as she wants happiness in her home.

Mr. Smith called both of his sons and then expressed his thoughts.

Aiden : no, this will never happen.

Mr. Smith : so should I send her back?

Aiden : no, I can’t live without her.

No one noticed Alexander tight fists.

Mr. Smith : let her have someone's else baby, then everything will be fine.

Alexander couldn't control more but kick the side table hard, which broke into pieces. Aiden fell down from his chair in shock. He has never seen Alexander so angry.

Alexander : I will kill everyone whoever so thought about touching her. I can kill even you dad if that happens ever.

His eyes were bloodshed, his veins popping out, imagining her to be with someone else rather than him.

He was quiet until now, thinking her to be his brother wife, but not anymore.

Mr. Smith : Alexander can help us with this. You can produce one baby with her.

Both brothers were in shock. Aiden asked for time this time and Alexander, well, he rushed out of the room after listening to his father demand.

Alexander is frustrated with all the things happening around him. He was never a Saint, he has his fair share of women in city but not in village. Everyone considers him to be a pious man, but he was far from that.

He was extremely attracted towards Avelino from the day he has seen her, but he has always maintained his distance, thinking her to be his sister-in-law. But it always kills him to see his brother with her. From last three years he is controlling himself, but for how long. Watching his brother door closed every night, his heart pricked badly. But he had no choice.

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Zelda Blair

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